No one wants to dwell on death. However, the consequences of failing to properly plan for the inevitable can be devasting for your loved ones. We can help you manage those uncertainties by assisting you with the preparation of your will.
Powers of Attorney
At anytime, we all face the possibility of becoming incapacitated and unable to make our own decisions. Short of that, we may all find ourselves reaching the point where we need assistance with our financial affairs. You can plan for these times now by allowing us to work with you to prepare a healthcare or financial power of attorney. You make the decision of who and how your life and property will be cared for when you no longer can.
Estate Administration
If you have been named executor of an estate, or would like to be appointed its personal representative, we can help you through the sometimes difficult probate process. We will make certain that the estate is administered properly and that the estate will be protected from creditor claims once distributed and closed.